Sheri Williams, LCSW
Clinical Therapist

I have been helping individuals and families struggling with mental health and drug dependency issues for well over two decades as a substance abuse counselor and clinical social worker. I specialize in working with challenging clients experiencing emotional dysregulation, engaging in self defeating behaviors or struggling to maintain healthy and satisfying interpersonal relationships. I have been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Utah since 2007, and have worked with children, adolescents, young adults and their families in a variety of treatment settings. As a result, I have a strong understanding of the developmental process, am adept in a wide range of treatment techniques, and can tailor each intervention to the individual client's needs and strengths.
4568 So. Highland Dr., Suite 140 Salt Lake City, Utah 84117
email: therapy@sheri-williams.com
p. 801-505-3133
f. 844-444-0676